Picture of the Day

Roman Ruins at Virginia Water lake - from the side of the road opposite the lake

Quote of the Day

If everything is coming your way then you're in the wrong lane.

Support Local Trade

The town centre brochure content coming soon

Link of the Day

Landlord Law
Landlord Law is a specialist legal Internet service for private residential landlords and tenants, from TJ Shepperson solicitors. Online is news, legal information and resources, and documents.

You may not be convinced yet of the power of the Internet as an advertising medium. Perhaps you might just like test the water and see what is involved. The idea behind providing a community web site is to help local people advertise their facilities without incurring the full costs of developing a web site. If you wish to develop your own web site, the sponsors of this web site can help you do that.

There is a more important point about a web site. How do potential customers know its there? That is where the local community web site comes in. The site will be advertised everywhere locally - there will be stands at local events like annual community events where its profile will be raised.

In the near future, local people won't look to Thompson Local, or Yellow Pages or other national directories. They will look to the local community web site - to find out who is available locally. They will expect you to be there and to provide all the basic details about your association, product or service. However, you will be able to say so much more about yourself than you would if you were just advertising in one of these traditional ways of advertising.

First steps

To help local people take the first steps to getting on the web we are offering the following services...

1. All benevolent organisations, schools, churches and charities get a free page providing you supply the information on disk or by e-mail. Once a site has been developed there will be no further charges as long as it remains within the Great Park Portal website structure and we will own the copyright of the site developed for you. Should an organisation wish to move the site to somewhere else then standard commercial rates would apply. The reason behind this is that we want to build a single source of information on the area and a lot of expensive development effort will go into bringing together local information to make the community site work. We therefore want organisations to stay committed to developing the community site.

2. All commercial adverts are charged as follows....

a) One page HTML site including up to 2 photos, mail to link - £250 setup and £5 per hosting month (payable by direct debit quarterly in advance or 6 months in advance by cheque) plus VAT.

b) Three page HTML site including up to 5 images, 5 links, 2 mail to links - £350 setup fee and hosting £5 per month (payable by direct debit monthly or 6 months in advance) plus VAT.

c) Variations on these by negotiation, but generally a minimum price of about £100+VAT per additional page should be considered.

d) If you already have a website we you can register on the community site and update your own details. There is no charge for this.

e) A slot on the home page is charged at £100/month+VAT payable in advance. The most valuable space on the sites is just under the left hand frame menu - this is £200+VAT/month as it remains in view the whole time the viewer is in the site.

f) Page sponsorship. You can choose to sponsor a number of pages within the site and the monthly newsletter. This is charged at £50/month of sponsorship.

g) If you require a site that has special graphics we can quote separately for this..

Local Organisation income

One area of concern that has been raised by local clubs is that of their income should people move to using the web for advertising. Currently many organisations get their revenue by charging advertising rates or annual membership fees. It is the intention of this web site that it should NOT distract from the income of local clubs, associations, charities etc. We will therefore expect advertisers to continue their support of the organisations that they have traditional supported or alternatively we will include the typical annual fee within our commercial charges and pass this onto the relevant organisation. One idea that we are proposing for clubs which currently attract a membership fee is to provide a user ID and password to protected areas of the web site in exchange for signing up to the normal membership of that organisation. This is clearly a complex area and which we are keen to seek views, feedback and ideas on. Please contact the webmaster via the feedback form with your ideas and views.

More information

Please feel free to call Peter Gaskin on the sales hotline on 07970-667534 to discuss further.

Althought this site is provided by The Great Park Portal, more complex commercial and ecommerce sites can be developed by the sponsors of this site Team Discovery Ltd - please see http://www.teamdiscovery.eu for details on the full range of services available. Full terms and conditions of business with Team Discovery Ltd can be found at www.teamdiscovery.eu/contracts.

About Us

Egham community website is a gateway to information on the local area in order to promote the interests of the residents of Egham in all aspects of their lives. It is also for visitors to the area, prospective visitors and prospective residents.

A secondary aim is to help users of the Internet find their way around local information efficiently without having to spend lots of time wading through large search results from the search engines.

Contact Us

Egham, UK