Picture of the Day

Roman Ruins at Virginia Water lake - from the side of the road opposite the lake

Quote of the Day

If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get done.

Support Local Trade

The town centre brochure content coming soon

Link of the Day

Football AID
Many football fans now have the opportunity to walk out, play and maybe even score on the hallowed turf of their favourite football team?s ground. This once in a lifetime opportunity is organised by Football Aid, a national charity, which works with nearly 40 football clubs nationwide. Fans who visit www.footballaid.com can bid for their chance to play on their club?s pitch and successful bids help to raise money for charities like Diabetes UK

Organisation Name: A H Spittle
Address: 146-152 Station Road

Town: Addlestone 
Postcode: KT15 2BE
Contact #1:Mr Barry Spittle
Phone: 01932842362
Contact #2:Mr Graham Spittle
Business Category: Electrical Retailers
General details:

Tagged under Electrical Retailers

Please use the contact form to advise the webmaster of any updates/deletions/changes. Please note this list is supplied in good faith without any endorsement of any of the companies/service providers listed.

About Us

Egham community website is a gateway to information on the local area in order to promote the interests of the residents of Egham in all aspects of their lives. It is also for visitors to the area, prospective visitors and prospective residents.

A secondary aim is to help users of the Internet find their way around local information efficiently without having to spend lots of time wading through large search results from the search engines.

Contact Us

Egham, UK