Picture of the Day

Mucial entertainment at the Englefield Green Summer fair

Quote of the Day

The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.

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The town centre brochure content coming soon

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A unique directory of accessible leisure pursuits, holidays and travel, transport, mobility products, and daily living services for disabled people, their families and friends.

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Please note this list is supplied in good faith without any endorsement of any of the companies/service providers listed. If any of the information is wrong you need to register on the site, using the logon/register option. You will be allocated the record for your business or organisation and will be able to maintain it yourself thereafter.

British Red Cross

Egham, ,
01784 470338,
Please refer to website www.redcross.org.uk for details of nearest location.

Tagged under Charity
British Red Cross

Christian Science Church and Bookshop

Egham, 172 High St, TW20 9EJ
01784 475002, [ ]

Sunday Church services and Sunday School (up to age 20) at 10.30am. Wednesday Testimony Meetings 1st and 3rd Wed. at 1 pm. Bookshop selling Bibles and books on Christian healing and study centre which includes a garden where you are welcome to pray, read or have your lunch. Full details on the website.

Christian Science Church and Bookshop

Citizens Advice Bureau

Egham, High Street,, TW209EA
See website for more details.

Citizens Advice Bureau

Egham by Runnymede Historical Society [http://www.runnymede.gov.uk]

Egham, The Literary Society
High Street, TW209DR
, [ ]

Tagged under Museum, Charity
Egham by Runnymede Historical Society

Egham Chamber of Commerce 1215

Egham, Strodes College,
High Street,
01784 479816, [ ]

Egham Chamber of Commerce 1215

Egham Cricket Club [http://www.eghamcricketclub.co.uk]

Egham, Vicarage Road, TW20 8NP
, [ ]
Egham Cricket Club was founded in the mid 1800?s, restructured in 1913 and moved to its present location in 1969, which was then a green field site. Now the ground is second to none. Over the past year the pavilion has been extended to incorporate two new changing rooms, umpires room. and score box with an electronic/computerised score board. The interior has been modernised, completely refurbished and decorated throughout. Overall we now have probably the best ground, pavilion, and facilities in the league.

Our first, second, and third elevens play in the Surrey Championship League; and the first eleven in the Thameside Sunday League. In 2006 the second eleven were league champions, going the whole season unbeaten and promoted to Division one. The third eleven finished Runners-up and sealed promotion also to Division One & the first eleven narrowly missed out on making it a clean sweep with all three sides securing promotion that year. In 2007 the third eleven narrowly missed out on back to back promotions and yet again the first eleven came near but not near enough! The second eleven, playing for the first time in Division one finished mid table and saw nothing to really worry them at the higher level. I am sure 2008 will bring further success on all three fronts, with the first team achieving the promotion they so much deserve.

Our Colt and youth cricket initiatives are considerable and we have been recognised by the National Cricket Association for our efforts. One hundred and twenty Colts from eight to sixteen attend our Monday evening coaching sessions. We have twelve Colt Managers including eight English Cricket Board qualified coaches. Over fifty of the colts are playing in organised league cricket for under 11, 13, 15, and 16 age groups. A considerable number of colts regularly represent Surrey and Berkshire at full county level in their respective age groups. The Club originated, and have for over 25 years administered the Colts leagues, for the Jim Warden Trophy under 11?s and the Ray Denne Cup for under 13?s.

Off the field the Club has a very active social life ranging from Quiz nights to Poker evenings, Discos to Race evenings, Barbeques to party nights and many other events

Egham Cricket Club

Egham Museum

Egham, Literary Institute,
High Street
Surrey, GU25 4AN
01784 434483,

Photos, documents, objects, maps, etc. relating to the history of Egham, the Hythe, Englefield Green, Virginia Water and Thorpe.

The museum is also a centre of local history research and has a dedicated research room and the following research resources: microfiche, film viewers, local censuses, rate books, photographs and newspapers.

The museum is open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 10am-12.30pm and 2pm-4.30pm. Entrance is free.

Tagged under Museum
Egham Museum

Egham Residents Association

Egham, ,
01784 434593, [ ]
Egham people involved in Egham issues. We support 3 independent councillors on Runnymede Borough Council. Join us and voice your opinion.

Tagged under Community Group
Egham Residents Association

Hythe Community Church - Pentecostal

Egham, The Hythe Centre
Thorpe Lea Road,
, [ ]
A group of Christians who meet at 11.00am each Sunday morning at: The Hythe Centre, Thorpe Lea Road, Egham, Surrey. More details on the website.

Hythe Community Church - Pentecostal

New Egham Singers

Egham, ,
01784 452589,

Despite only being formed at the beginning of 2009, New Egham Singers (a member of Egham and District Choral Society) has already firmly established itself on the local musical scene. The choir, which numbers around 100 members, offers the chance to sing popular tuneful music to singers of all abilities and ages.

Under the expert guidance of its Musical Director, Guy Bunce, and his accompanist Ingrid Keedy, NES meets at 7.30 on Monday evenings from September through to July at Strodeʼs College, High Street, Egham TW20 9DR.

Tagged under Choir, Music, Entertainment
New Egham Singers

Runnymede Christian Fellowship

Egham, Virginia Lodge
Waspe Farm Car Park, Heritage Court,
Off Station Road, TW209LF
+447775861863, [ ]

A lively international Church based in Egham. Meets at Virginia Lodge, Off Wasp Farm Car Park, Egham. A Prophetic people reaching and touching the community of Egham with the power of the Gospel. All ages of activity, midweek groups and children's work

Runnymede Christian Fellowship

Runnymede Christian Fellowship (RCF) - Pentecostal

Egham, Meets at Manorcroft School
Wesley Drive,
01932 564494,
Sunday 11-00 a.m. Family Service or Communion or Celebration. 18-30 p.m. Celebration, Night of Prayer, Worship evening, Growing together, visiting ministry.

Tagged under Church
Runnymede Christian Fellowship (RCF) - Pentecostal

St Johns Parish Church [http://www.stjohnsegham.com]

Egham, High Street, TW20 9HL
01784 430964,
Services at:
8am (1st/3rd/5th Sundays)
11am (lively with children's groups)
Please check our website for weekly information and events. There's so much stuff going on from football teams, to toddler groups, to Alpha courses, to Marriage Courses, to Craft Clubs to... well, too many to mention really!

Tagged under Church
St Johns Parish Church

St Paul's Egham Hythe [http://www.streetmap.co.uk/streetmap.dll?G2M?X=502]

Egham, Thorpe Road
Egham Hythe,
Sunday 9am Morning Prayer (said), Sunday 10am Parish Communion with Sunday School in the church hall or an All-Aged Service monthly (as announced). Wednesday 9:30am Holy Communion. First Wednesday of each month 2:30pm Songs of Praise a monthly service for the older generation. A short service of favourite hymns, readings and prayers. Followed by refreshments in the church hall until 4pm.

Tagged under Church
St Paul's Egham Hythe

Thorpe Village Hall

Egham, Coldharbour Lane, TW208TE

Thorpe Village Hall

United Church of Egham - Methodist and United Refo

Egham, High Street, TW20 9EX
01784 437973,
Sunday - Services at 11:00 and 18:30 (Junior Church at 11:00)

Monday - Brownie Guides at 18:30

Tuesday - Rainbow Mother & Toddler Club 10:00-12:00.
'Readers Unite! Second Tuesday of the month at 10:15
Tuesday at 8' - Open evening with varied program for adults at 20:00 (First Tuesday in month).

Thursday - Church open for prayer from 10:00 until 12:00 noon. Coffee served in the vestibule.
Lunchtime service at 12:30 followed by Ploughman's lunch.
Prayer for healing Fellowship on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 15:00.
OUCH - a social evening for Church members and friends at 14:00 (last Thursday in month).
Guides at 18:45.

Friday - Church open for prayer from 10:00 - 12:00. Coffee served in the vestibule.

Saturday - Church open for prayer from 10:00 until 12:00. Coffee served in the vestibule.

Tagged under Church
United Church of Egham - Methodist and United Refo

WAM Dragons

Egham, Riverside
Egham, TW20 0AA
01784 423453,
JVM: deleted only the email add

Tagged under Sport, Leisure
WAM Dragons

Wendover Road Methodist Church

Egham, Egham Hythe,
01784 435071,
Sundays 10:30 am (Communion 3rd Sunday in month) Celebration Service 8 pm (3rd Sunday in the month). A small friendly Church that has been witnessing in Wendover Road for over 100 years.

Tagged under Church
Wendover Road Methodist Church
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Egham community website is a gateway to information on the local area in order to promote the interests of the residents of Egham in all aspects of their lives. It is also for visitors to the area, prospective visitors and prospective residents.

A secondary aim is to help users of the Internet find their way around local information efficiently without having to spend lots of time wading through large search results from the search engines.

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Egham, UK