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Mucial entertainment at the Englefield Green Summer fair

Quote of the Day

The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.

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The town centre brochure content coming soon

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A unique directory of accessible leisure pursuits, holidays and travel, transport, mobility products, and daily living services for disabled people, their families and friends.

Care Fees Annuity Planning

Care Fees Planning

As you get older finding, moving, and settling down in a residential care or nursing home in Egham is a stressful time.  Trying to understand how to fund a move to a care home in Egham can be even more stressful for you or your relatives.

Care Fees Planning is the care fees annuity company for elderly care insurance in Egham.  As you are considering entering or are already in a nursing home or residential  care home in Egham and need help with funding of care home fees.  Care Fees Planning will assist you in getting the care fees annuity plan of your choice to help with payment of care home fees.

Although long term care costs can vary greatly between clients needing help with care fees funding, We are usually able to establish a cost effective way to meet most care fees annuity needs in Egham.

Care Fees Planning are an independent financial adviser (Care Fees IFA) specializing in Care Fees annuities in Egham and we can help you research the market to find the most appropriate care fees annuity for you or your loved one.  This frees your time to care for the family member if you are a relative seeking help with care fees for your family member .

Care Fees Planning has a wide ranging area of keywords that are relevant to its business:

Care home fees – payment for nursing homes and residential homes

Nursing home costs – amount charged for services of nursing homes.

Residential care – refers to long-term care given to the elderly in a residential setting rather than the patient’s home. The elderly are often cared for at home by paid or voluntary caregivers, such family and friends, with additional support from home care agencies. However, if home-based care is not available or not appropriate for the individual, residential care may be required.

Long term care cost – nursing home spending accounts for the majority of long-term care expenditures.

Please use our company contact page to contact us - we are confident we can guide you in the right choices about your care plans.

Care Fees Planning is a division of Protection and Investment Ltd which is totally independent and authorised and regulated by The Financial Services Authority (FSA).

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Egham community website is a gateway to information on the local area in order to promote the interests of the residents of Egham in all aspects of their lives. It is also for visitors to the area, prospective visitors and prospective residents.

A secondary aim is to help users of the Internet find their way around local information efficiently without having to spend lots of time wading through large search results from the search engines.

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Egham, UK